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CSS Webinar Series: Safeguarding Your Credit Union’s Future (Beating Fraudsters at Their Own Game)

July 1, 2024

A free webinar brought to you by CUNA Strategic Service, Carefull, Illuma, and Nasdaq Verafin.

Featured Speakers: Barb Lowman, CSS; Todd Rovak, Carefull; Milind Borkar, Illuma; and Corey Lynch, Nasdaq Verafin

According to the FTC (Federal Trade Commission), people reported losing $10 billion to scams in 2023. That’s $1 billion more than 2022 and the highest ever in losses reported to the FTC, even though the number of fraud reports (2.6 million) was about the same as last year.

In this episode of “Safeguarding Your Credit Union’s Future,” we shared key insights and tools available to position credit unions to help their members beat fraudsters at their own game.

Listen to the replay to learn about opportunities to take a proactive posture to protect your members from fraud at the transactional level, and also how to quickly jump into action and prevent further negative impact in the event a member is impacted by fraud.

Key topics discussed include:

  • Call center fraud is clearly on the rise and many financial industry experts believe account takeovers start on the phone, with the call center. How should credit unions be leveraging technology to protect their members from call center fraud?
  • Elder fraud is a $28B problem annually – including fraud, scams, money mistakes and forgetfulness. Learn what tools and technology are available to enable families to proactively protect their aging family members.
  • As an industry, how should we be thinking about the use of technology to solve specific problems from fraud?
  • With all the advances in technology that help credit unions protect their members from fraud, there’s a counterpoint where fraudsters can leverage that same technology to get even further ahead. Sometimes it feels like a never-ending battle – how can we possibly keep up?

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