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Verafin eBook – Understanding Fraud Schemes and Scams

By Nasdaq Verafin
December 28 , 2022

Fraud is constantly evolving. As the industry has implemented controls to protect against traditional first-party fraud and account takeover fraud, fraudsters have adjusted their strategies to focus on your customers to help facilitate the attack. In the fight against fraud, it is critical to understand the key components of fraud scams, such as victimology, key indicators, and opportunities for mitigating risk.

This essential eBook, updated for Q4 2022 based on numerous industry sources and decades of experience in financial crime management, is designed to help you identify the characteristics of common fraud scams — from Authorized Push Payment (APP) fraud, to disaster fraud and online loan and payday scams.

Download the eBook today!

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About Nasdaq Verafin

Nasdaq Verafin is the industry leader in enterprise financial crime management, providing a cloud-based, secure software platform for fraud detection and management, BSA/AML compliance and management, high-risk customer management and information sharing. More than 1,200 credit unions use Nasdaq Verafin to effectively fight financial crime and comply with regulations. Leveraging its unique big data intelligence, visual storytelling and collaborative investigation capabilities, Nasdaq Verafin reduces false positive alerts, delivers context-rich insights and streamlines BSA/AML compliance processes. Nasdaq Verafin has industry endorsements in 45 states, including the TBA, WBA, FBA, MBA, and CUNA Strategic Services.