Jessica Tomapat

Jessica Tomapat, leading the charge at Arkatechture's Business Advisory Services, is on a mission to transform teams into data champions and ignite a data-first mindset within credit union leadership.

With over a decade of senior leadership experience in credit union operations and business intelligence, Jessica embodies continuous learning, pursuing an MS in Information Systems alongside her Six Sigma Green Belt and graduate certificate in advanced analytics.

Her passion lies in transforming the culture of credit union teams into one centered on data, turning the abstract notion of a "data-driven culture" into a vibrant reality. From senior management to frontline staff, Jessica makes the value of crafting data strategy and embracing data governance principles not just clear but downright thrilling.

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Speaking Topics

Learn how automating regulatory and internally required reports can transform your analysts from mere report writers into strategic decision-makers. This session will demonstrate how using validated data sources can streamline report generation, allowing analysts to focus on impactful, high-value tasks that drive business growth and innovation.

Explore the critical role of data stewardship and the creation of a data champion community within your organization. This presentation will cover the steps to identify and empower data stewards, foster a culture of data ownership, and ensure consistent data quality across the organization. Real-world examples will highlight the benefits of having a dedicated team to oversee data governance initiatives.

Understand the importance of tracking the ROI of data initiatives to justify investments and measure success. This session will provide a framework for calculating ROI, from initial data collection to analyzing the impact on business performance. Learn how to present compelling evidence of the value generated by data projects to stakeholders and secure ongoing support for data-driven strategies.

Delve into the essential elements of foundational data governance necessary for building a robust data management framework. This presentation will cover key principles such as data quality, data lineage, and data classification. Discover best practices for establishing data governance policies and procedures that ensure data integrity and compliance, and hear success stories from organizations that have effectively implemented these practices.

Discover strategies to elevate the role of analysts in your organization from order takers to strategic decision-makers. This session will focus on providing analysts with the tools, training, and support needed to analyze data effectively and provide actionable insights. Case studies will illustrate how empowering analysts to take a proactive approach can lead to improved business outcomes, such as identifying growth opportunities and optimizing financial performance.