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Your partner in third-party risk management. 

Who is Venminder

Venminder is an innovative, customer-motivated company that is mission-driven to help solve the many challenges organizations face when managing risks from outsourcing to third parties.

Venminder provides a dedicated platform to empower effective end-to-end lifecycle management and mitigation of third-party risks. Venminder creates long-term collaborative partnerships with their customers, providing implementation assistance, product and best practices training, ongoing support, access to expertise and more.

How a strategic alliance with Venminder benefits credit unions

The financial services market has the most prescriptive guidance for third-party risk management. The consequences of not meeting these regulations can be costly to a credit union. By partnering with Venminder, you can leverage the SaaS platform and/or risk assessments plus continuous monitoring tools, to create consistent processes in managing the third-party risk management lifecycle of your vendors. 

Whether your credit union is just getting started with third-party risk management or has a mature program, Venminder’s team of experts employ a highly consultative approach to take your program where it needs to be. 

Why choose Venminder

Venminder is recognized as a leader of third-party risk by industry analysts and receives the highest ratings within customer reviews among Gartner Peer Insights & G2. Today, over 1,200 organizations of all sizes and maturity are partnered with Venminder to drive process consistency and efficiency by reducing the overall due diligence workload and to gain valuable insight among the risks their third parties are posing to their organization.

  • Build a sustainable program & processes that drive consistency: Purpose-built configurable software platform that centralizes "all things vendor" and allows your team to effectively collaborate together for program efficiency.
  • Identify risks and reduce the workload: Streamline due diligence and avoid needing to add costly internal resources by leveraging Venminder's Control Assessments & monitoring solutions. Their team includes: Third Party Risk Advisors, Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSPs), CPAs, financial risk analysts, paralegals and more.
  • Create a culture that drives industry best practices: Drive and support continued awareness of best-in-class third-party risk management practices through their library of educational content and training.

Connect with Venminder

Talk to one of our CUNA Strategic Services alliance managers to learn more about Venminder. We’ll help you identify and evaluate the best solution for your credit union.

Venminder has exclusive pricing and a white-glove onboarding program reserved for CUNA Strategic Services and the credit unions and leagues with whom we work.

resource guides

How Your Credit Union Can Set NCUA-Compliant Third-Party Contracts


July 18, 2024

Learn how to negotiate a compliant third-party contract and performance considerations in third-party contracts in this eBook.


How Your Credit Union and Third Parties Can Comply With the NCUA Cyber Incident Notification Rule


June 14, 2024

Learn more about the NCUA notification requirements for credit unions and their third parties to report cybersecurity incidents, known as the Cyber Incident Notification Rule.


How Your Credit Union Can Comply With NCUA Third-Party Risk Management Expectations


May 13, 2024

The NCUA has specific expectations for how credit unions should manage third-party risks. Learn how to comply and keep your members safe.

resource guides

Cloud Vendor Considerations


April 22, 2024

Understand more about the cloud and what to consider as you're vetting those cloud vendors.


Unlocking Efficiency in Third-Party Risk Management


April 12, 2024

Having limited resources can pose significant challenges for your third-party risk management team. Optimizing existing resources can empower you to effectively manage third-party risk.

on-demand webinar

Identifying the Key Players for Third-Party Risk Management at Your Credit Union


March 25, 2024

Learn the key roles and responsibilities within a third-party risk management program so you can identify the key team members at your credit union.


Due Diligence Checklist for Vendor Cybersecurity Risk


March 22, 2024

A vendor poses cybersecurity risk to your credit union. Download this checklist to help you gather and analyze the right cybersecurity information from your vendor to mitigate cyber risk.


Mitigate Third-Party Compliance Risk With These 6 Approaches


March 19, 2024

Learn how to ensure your third parties are complying to regulatory guidelines to avoid negative impacts to your credit union.

white paper

State of Third-Party Risk Management 2024


February 26, 2024

Curious how your peers are managing third-party risk today?


Next Steps When Your Vendor’s SOC Report Has Issues


January 24, 2024

Reviewing a vendor’s SOC report can be challenging enough, so what happens if the SOC report is filled with issues that the auditor found?


Vendor Owner Training Checklist


January 22, 2024

Learn how to help your team train new and existing vendor owners so they’re able to properly fulfill their roles and responsibilities.

on-demand webinar

Vendor Risk Management 101


January 22, 2024

Explore the evolving landscape and imperative changes financial institutions need to consider.

white paper

Vendor Data Breaches: How to Prepare and Consequences of One


January 03, 2024

Learn how to protect against hackers that can directly attack your credit union or indirectly through a vendor.

resource guides

Collaboration Between Information Security and Third-Party Risk Management Teams


December 27, 2023

Many credit unions struggle with the information security and third-party risk management teams working in silos. Learn how collaboration can create efficiency and improved processes in this eBook.

on-demand webinar

How to Identify Your Credit Union’s Critical Vendors


November 27, 2023

Learn what exactly a critical vendor is, how to identify them within your credit union, as well as how to manage their potential risks.


Beyond Compliance: The Advantages of Third-Party Risk Management


November 21, 2023

Learn why your third-party risk management program should never be an undervalued function within your credit union.