Determining Third Parties or Vendors That Are In Scope and Out of Scope

By Venminder
October 23, 2024
While most credit unions know that typical vendors, suppliers, and service providers should be included in your third-party risk management program, what about those more nuanced relationships? Should third parties such as rating agencies, insurance companies, and law firms be included?
To get the most out of your (probably limited) third-party risk management resources, you need to define which third parties are going to be included in your program, as not every third party should be included. This eBook covers general guidelines to follow when determining third parties that are in scope and out of scope.
About Venminder
Venminder is an innovative, customer-motivated company that is mission-driven to help solve the many challenges organizations face when managing risks from outsourcing to third parties.
Venminder provides a dedicated platform to empower effective end-to-end lifecycle management and mitigation of third-party risks. Venminder creates long-term collaborative partnerships with their customers, providing implementation assistance, product and best practices training, ongoing support, access to expertise and more.